Greeting all and a hope that everyone is doing well.
Although I have learned a lot from the forums since 2014, when I started researching a new rig, I decided I better get signed up and join this community.
Got my 2017 HC 305RL last August with the first "big" trip in Sep-Oct. It then was put away for the Wyoming Winter. Piddled around with it throughout the better days and have been getting it ready for trips starting next month.
Not new to RV'ing nor full timing. Back in 1999 got a four season rig (no longer in business) and lived/travelled with it for seven years before finding the cabin I am presently in. Looking back, should have stuck with RVs.
I have to thank everyone here for your advice, comments and recommendations in general that led me to my purchase. This is a great place of knowledge!
I look forward to reading and adding to the forums and hopefully meeting you along our journey!
Buck (Mark)