Directions to Victorian Acres and the 2020 CPRR
Well we have directions this year and they don't include any detours as of this time to get to the MOC 2020 Central Plains Regional Rally. If things change we'll be posting here to let you know of any route changes.
If you are coming From the West to Nebraska City and coming East on I-80, take the Hwy 77 (exit 397)south. Hwy 2 exits Hwy 77 a few miles down the road and go East on Hwy 2. Follow Hwy 2 East until you meet Hwy 75, continue East on Hwy 2 for approximately 1 1/4 miles and watch for the entrance to Victorian Acres on the left.
From the North or South-- Take I-29 to the junction with Hwy 2 (exit #10) in Iowa go West on Hwy 2 for approximately 4 miles into Nebraska and watch for the entrance on your right. There is some construction yet on Hwy 2 (They are still putting in bridges and doing road work from last years Missouri River flooding) on the Iowa side but it is passable and there should be no problems getting into Nebraska.
From the North or South you can take Hwy 75 coming up or down the east side of Nebraska to Nebraska City and to Hwy 2, turn East and go approximately 1 1/4 miles and watch for the entrance on your right.
Stop at the Office as you enter the campground (please pull to the right on the entrance area across from the office) and settle up with Penny or the Staff there and they will escort you to your site.
Welcome to the 2020 MOC CPRR!