Hi Carolyn, like Joyce said, the slide toppers permanently mount to the sidewalls and automatically pull out and retract when the slide goes out and in. This picture might show what we're talking about -
Some folks who do not have slide toppers will climb the ladder on the back of the Montana to get up on the roof, then sweep off the slides from there. As for carrying a ladder, some, like Joyce, strap a ladder to the Montana's ladder. Some carry a ladder in the truck bed or toolbox. Some carry it in the Montana's basement storage. Ours is in the basement but we have a folding ladder that looks like this. It's a bit pricey but sure worth its cost to me. In this picture the ladder is partially folded. When fully folded the two rails are side by side and take very little room in the basement. When folded it is 3 1/4" x 2 1/8" x 7'.