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Old 01-24-2005, 03:01 PM   #41
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M.O.C. #111
Dan and Sandy - Good to know you're here in Q. See below - can you and your neighbors join us?

bigskyguy - Sorry for the confusion on the date change for the second get-together, and sorry to have missed meeting you. Also sorry to hear about your slide problems. Good luck on getting repairs done.

HamRad won't be able to get here until Wed, so it doesn't seem to make sense to have the next get-together on Tues. Should we make it for Thursday?

Hope we can work it out!
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Old 01-24-2005, 05:44 PM   #42
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I am so sorry I'm missing out on Quartzite! The doctor said I should stick around home for another 3 or 4 days! If the infection is not better by then he'll put me on some much stronger anti-biotic. I so was looking forward to meeting up with all the MOCers at Q. Earliest we'll be there now is probably Saturday.

GypsySCM how long do you plan on being in the area? I know you're headed a bit south in a few days. I think you said to Gila Bend. Where you headed from there? If we ever make it on the road we'll probably head for the area just east of Tucson for a few days. Then we're off to the Ajo area. Maybe we can try connecting at some other point. If not I really appreciate your putting together the lunch things at Q. I hope some of the other folks will be able to make it.

You are staying within a stones throw of where we were going to be! My friend Richard and his wife Pat are over there now holding a spot for us. But does not look like we'll be able to make it before they leave. Look across the road from where you are staying... maybe a 100 yards or so and you'll see a TT... I don't remember the brand name. It's about a 23 footer..... Blue pickup (Chevy, I think) with a boat rack on top. He has a Ham Radio license plate... AE6DH on his truck. On or near his trailer you'll see about a 25 foot Ham Radio antenna. If you spot them stop by and say hello for us! Glad you folks made it out to the big Q!

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Old 01-25-2005, 07:45 AM   #43
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So sorry you're so ill, Dennis. Hope your health improves soon. Yes, I'm heading for Gila Bend on Saturday, then on to Yuma the following Wed. Let me know when you hit the road and where you are, and let's try to get together.

Everyone else, I'm sorry the MOC get-together plans fell apart. Maybe next time we can be more organized. Enjoy Q while you're here!
Gypsy is offline  
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