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Old 06-26-2015, 01:48 PM   #21
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Pat and Chuck, the Montana rally in Goshen is the last week of September. Some people have come to the rally staying in motels. I am not sure if the rules have changed or not, but it is a good source for info and a place to talk to owners of around 100 rigs. Plus, we do a plant tour and you will see next year's models. Last year we got to give input into the design of the new 3160. We bought one in April. Another option. Also, a few of our members occasionally sell their truck and camper. Also another option. Good luck and stay involved. By the way, retirement is great.
Ron and Terrie Ames plus Meg - MOC #1920/KF0NTA
2021Montana 3230CK Super Solar+ Legacy Package
2021 Ram 3500 Laramie Longhorn, BIM Charging
4x4, SRW, LB, Crew Cab, Pullrite 3900 Hitch
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Old 06-27-2015, 05:39 AM   #22
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And be sure to check out the Montana Marketplace for OUTSTANDING used Montanas, some with all the bells and whistles. Here is a link:
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Old 06-28-2015, 05:15 PM   #23
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Greetings from Kentucky
Welcome to the forum!

Part of the enjoyment of owning a Montana is this forum.
This is a great place to share and find information about your Montana.
2022 Chevy Silverado 4X4 dually 6.6 Duramax with Allison Transmission. Formally 2001 Montana,2007 3400RL Montana, presently 2018 3401RS Alpine.
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Old 07-24-2015, 02:42 AM   #24
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Hey all,
My wife and I are new to RVing also and to the club,we are hoping to make the fall rally but since we have our home in NC for sale we must find our new home first (further south) anyway I've read on a couple of these forums that some recommend buying the fifth first, no offense but I have to disagree. If you buy the fifth first then you are stuck finding a specific truck. Now I don't know how long a dealer will hold on to your new purchase but to me I would think you would then be rushed to find a tow vehicle? My wife and I took a year to do our home work and used every media source we could to make our purchase and fit our budget. With buying the truck first I was able to take my time on deciding a hitch and any other add ons. I hope I did not offend anyone with my opinion but to go out and by a big RV first, limits you on the type of tow vehicle. We ended up with a 2015 Silverado 3500 with B&W gooseneck hitch/20K companion hitch, airbags(I was told I did not need) pulling a 2016 Montana 3711FL. We have gone on three fairly long trips so far and we love it. The truck performed better than I ever imagined. I was also told I would need a slider hitch with my shortbed and I'm glad I didn't spend the extra money. I've got a good 4" of clearance at 90 deg. Safe travels all.
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Old 07-24-2015, 05:31 AM   #25
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Since we planned on going full time the decision was on the rig first. If you're living in it the rig matters and what truck we needed was a secondary concern.
Dick, Joyce, Diego, Picatso and Gustav
2017 3720 RL, and 2013 HC 343RL
Pullrite Hitch, IS, Disk Brakes, 3rd AC, Winegard Traveler, Bathroom door mod, Dometic 320, couch for desk swap, replaced chairs, sun screens, added awnings, etc.
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Old 07-24-2015, 06:16 AM   #26
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Welcome from NC! Any Monte should serve you well. The Legacy is probably the most for the money.
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Old 07-24-2015, 10:49 AM   #27
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M.O.C. #13157
quote:Originally posted by curlida

Hey all,
My wife and I are new to RVing I've got a good 4" of clearance at 90 deg.
How far behind the rear axle is the pin when hooked up?

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Old 07-24-2015, 12:12 PM   #28
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Maybe the best thing would be if somebody has the exact same model as the one you are wanting and could give actual scale numbers instead of guessing high or low. I have an old 7.3 2000 Ford SuperDuty f-350 SRW and tow a 2016 3160 RL LE and when I actually checked at the scale I was a little over on GCWR but not over on any one axle etc. I have the extra AC and a 5500 Marquis genset up front. No problem with over loading the trucks rear axle rating. I would say my unit weight was close to what it was advertised at. The High Country is a weight saving style RV that is typically lighter than the regular Montana's. Your truck has a bit more GCWR than mine. My advise would be to be more careful about the length than if when loaded up you exceed your GVWR by a small percentage. I would also make sure you have a good trailer brake controller as the trailer brakes are also supposed to compensate your trucks braking system. I see more people have problems coping with extra long rigs than anything else.
Just my opinions. I hope you enjoy the RV experience.

Tom Marty
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Old 07-24-2015, 02:33 PM   #29
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Payload may be an issue. Combined wgt of driver, wife, dog, full tank of gas, 5th wheel hitch and stuff + pin wgt of trailer wont exceed 3100 lb?
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Old 07-24-2015, 04:09 PM   #30
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Chris like I said until somebody with that unit actually comes forward with an actual scale weight I can't accept guessing. Have you ever wondered about how safe it is to have a dually compared to a single rear wheel truck? I will be completely sold on that concept when they have dual front wheels. I would be more worried about a front tire blowout than a rear tire blowout. Almost all big trucks that I have seen stranded along slide of the highway have been front tire blowouts. Wow what a concept to think about. Is a dually a bit safer than a single rear wheel? Probably unless you have the dreaded front tire blowout which I am sure never happens with that heavy Diesel engine sitting right on top of those two single wheels. I don't really care what rig you tow with as safety mainly starts with how you drive.
I have had countless CDL drivers pull out in front of me causing unsafe conditions. Their are also those that try to intimidate you by driving on your rear bumper. It mainly boils down to how safe of a driver you are.

Tom Marty
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Old 07-25-2016, 12:36 PM   #31
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I just bought a brand new 375fl high country. It has been in the shop 60% of the time I have owned it. Currently the AC will only cool the coach down to 76 degrees in 85 degree weather. I would not recommend buying anything from General RV and would never consider a High Country again. I have literally been on the phone all day trying to find a warranty dealer willing to work on it. The customer service at the factory is not very helpful and did not believe it when a "Keystone Warranty Dealer' refused to look at it unless I paid him out of pocket for a new coach. The only helpful place I have contacted is Dometic that asked me to send picture of the installation in order to find out what Keystone did wrong. If you still want to buy one do your testing at the dealer in full sunlight and make sure it will cool. I would never go through this again.
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Old 07-25-2016, 01:22 PM   #32
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WOW this Post was over a year old there James ,why did you dig up this one from the archives??? AND you are towing it with a 2001 3/4 ton V10 gas HMMMMMM...
quote:Originally posted by jameswbarton

I just bought a brand new 375fl high country. It has been in the shop 60% of the time I have owned it. Currently the AC will only cool the coach down to 76 degrees in 85 degree weather. I would not recommend buying anything from General RV and would never consider a High Country again. I have literally been on the phone all day trying to find a warranty dealer willing to work on it. The customer service at the factory is not very helpful and did not believe it when a "Keystone Warranty Dealer' refused to look at it unless I paid him out of pocket for a new coach. The only helpful place I have contacted is Dometic that asked me to send picture of the installation in order to find out what Keystone did wrong. If you still want to buy one do your testing at the dealer in full sunlight and make sure it will cool. I would never go through this again.
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Old 07-26-2016, 03:44 AM   #33
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Yes a 3/4 ton gasser 2001 Ram V10 Extra rear spring lift and higher ratio gearing. Not the ideal towing machine but it does the job if I keep the tanks empty.
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