We are working with Old Forge Distillery to come out to our Rally on Saturday afternoon late (~5pm) for a Moonshine tasting in the pavilion. Old Forge has many flavors and, of course, straight moonshine. We are still working on the details, but I’m collecting a list of who all is interested. So please reply if you want to come.
There is no cost, but if you decide you’d like to buy some to take home, you can drop by their tasting room before you break camp at the end of the rally.
Since this is tax-free weekend and traffic will be bad on Saturday, this will be a good activity to have fun at the campground. After the tasting we can prepare our dinners and just eat in camp. If you’ve never had moonshine, I’d advise you plan on a simple menu. No complicated food like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that require a knife.
Let me know!!!
Update 7/4:
Those Planning on Attending tasting:
1. Jim and Martha: jfaberna
2. Jim and Diana: snowbirds R us
3. Stan and Emmy: sola123
4. Lynn and Pat: rembob
5. Ted and Beth: pvcoach
6. Larry and Pat: HOOK
7. Chip and Lynne: chiplynne
8. Dennis and Donna: ka9vrx
9. Glenn & Mary Strom: gmstrom
10. Nancy and Dale: Yopper
11. Jim Fischer: NCFischers
12. Don & Jane Tiedeman: DTIEDEMAN
13. Sandi and David Hubbard: slfaircloth
14. Bill and Jan: Bill and Jan
15. Steve and Gina Young: Virginia Young
16. Marc and Donna Werner: mdwerner
17. Ron and Mary Lichtenberg: Rondo
18. Anna & Jim: Annaoinga