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Old 12-09-2013, 03:34 PM   #1
Artemus Gordon
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M.O.C. #12339
Pride of ownership and our RVs!

I admit my age is showing, but I remember my grandfather, keeping his 56 Mercury Wagon, *and his travel trailer, *extremely clean and well maintained. *By time I was old enough to remember, *that car and trailer, were 9 plus years old. Chrome shined bright on that mercury "rocket type hood ornament ". *He passed when I was 11 years old, and his 1964 Montclair (6 years old at the time) looked brand new! *Born in 1880s he saw many changes, but always made his things last. *I feel, he instilled in me that need for my vehicles, home, RV to always look good, and completely free of deferred maintenance. *I have worked hard to instill that in my own son. *Sometimes, *I see friends RVs and boats etc, looking like they just left the storage field. *They wonder why tires fail, slides leak, gel coat fades, etc. *I sometimes feel that "Pride of Ownership" is fading, keeping ones "stuff" looking good taking second seat, to "I just buy a new one"! *Sorry for my rant, *but I saw a trailer storage today filled with "rough looking" fairly new RVs. *Just sitting and rotting. Sure glad most of us on this site seem to be of like mind in taking care of our property! *I think I will go wash my truck! *
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Old 12-09-2013, 03:37 PM   #2
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After reading this, I want to wash mine!
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Old 12-09-2013, 03:46 PM   #3
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As soon as the sun shines again I will shine her up! I guess I inherited it from my father who did the same.
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Old 12-09-2013, 04:17 PM   #4
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Good topic. I'm the same way with everything, almost to the point of driving Debbie crazy. I take maintenance to extremes. That's why the Montana winterizing process was about a 3 week project. But, I get a good feeling knowing that when the cover comes off next spring, it'll be ready to go (except for tires, but that's another story). Our neighbor, who also has an rv, is an example of the other extreme. Great guy, but his winterizing consists of pumping anti-freeze through the plumbing and he's done. And, his camper looks like it. My vehicles have always been well-maintained as well as the yard and house. Not sure where I got it, because no one else in my family is that way. Anal compulsive maybe?

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Old 12-09-2013, 05:02 PM   #5
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Great post Mike.
Can't wait to clean up my lady.
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Old 12-09-2013, 05:27 PM   #6
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Got to admit we have good intensions, but seldom find the time to follow thru with washing the Monty. The truck gets washed more frequently, but since we use it to "off road" it has dings and "Desert Pinstripeing". Guess that puts me on the other side of the fence, but everything is maintained and we don't plan to replace them.
Dick, Joyce, Diego, Picatso and Gustav
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Old 12-09-2013, 06:06 PM   #7
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My SOB 5th wheel has been on my lot in the Mexico sun for over 7 years. It's been waxed twice a year but there's not much else one can do except cover it before leaving. If you're lucky the cover will last a couple years before the wind and sun rip it to shreds. The always retracted awning is fraying and the decals are showing their age. I guess I could repaint it and replace the awning so she looks pretty again but there's no point. If she makes it back up to the states to have the roof replaced when needed i'll consider it. Could I do more? Probably, maybe wax it every other trip but when I only have a few days a pop to actually relax and enjoy myself i'm not going to spend a 3rd of it fighting the inevitable. Will I replace it with something nice and shiny? Nope, not until the desert eats it. Is there pride of ownership? I never thought about it but I sure do enjoy it.
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Old 12-09-2013, 06:59 PM   #8
Artemus Gordon
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M.O.C. #12339
Dick and others. I think you get a pass if using it like you do. I am really mostly commenting on those who buy a unit. Don't use it or take care of it! I give a pass while on the road ! Lol
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Old 12-09-2013, 07:21 PM   #9
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Thanks. I feel bad about it sometimes, but the point of the full time lifestyle is getting the most out of life and Joyce and I seem to be better at that than washing and waxing. Now when we had real jobs, a stick house and more toys somehow we had more time to wash and wax. In those days you could shave using the shine on Joyce's car or my motorcycle. I do have to admit, however, that we've always beat up my trucks.
Dick, Joyce, Diego, Picatso and Gustav
2017 3720 RL, and 2013 HC 343RL
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Old 12-09-2013, 07:21 PM   #10
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I'm with ya Artemus,These rigs cost SOOOOO much money and look so nice when you buy them just like some cars and trucks I've bought I do not get why people do not bother to keep any of their rigs clean ,I always find time,I like turning up the tunes and getting busy cleaning and waxing it's fun and relaxing to me been that way since i was a teenager ,Why buy a nice rig if you are just going to let it look and go to Cr..P???? I am embarrassed to drive around in a filthy truck and 5er makes no sense to mealthough living in the NW rain in the fall and Winter it is tough but I do my best between rainstorms but what the heck it is your rig and some people do not give a Rats butt what it looks like and don't care what you think either and that's cool I just can't do it
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Old 12-10-2013, 01:59 AM   #11
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Preventative maintenance yes by the book. keeping it clean yes. Waxing never. I will use the liquid wax and wash but this thing and the 06 are just to big to hand wax. We even paid to have it washed and detailed this year. I might go as far as to have it waxed, maybe. Come to think of it we did not hand wax any of our previous campers.
Washing and keeping it clean and looking good is one thing and not all that hard to do. Hand waxing not on my list of things to do.
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Old 12-10-2013, 02:57 AM   #12
Mrs. CountryGuy
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Maintenance is one issue.

Pretty and shiny is another.

We are proud of the booboos on our Tana, "use it and abuse it". Let's see, that booboo was the snow blower nick which happened while we were trying to escape the winter weather one year. Ohhhh, and that one, is where the tire blew on the way into San Fran, that is not one we shall forget soon, maybe sometime, even with fondness. That dirt, we accumulated from THE Trip, THE Encore', it is paid for and well earned. (wink wink)

Sure beats the heck out of some people who never use their toilet in their unit (yep, we know some!).

We use it, we sometimes scrub it down. Depending on life, health, wanting to have sore muscles for a week or so, we scrub er down. Wax, nahhhh. Too bad we don't have gel coat, sighhhhhh.

I really feel more sorry than disgust at those that park em and leave em to get really dirty and nasty. They had a dream of RVing/campging/getting away, and their units sit unused, neglected. Why?? Death in the family, financial stresses, or maybe a life just so full of wonders that the RV falls behind in the list of must do.

There but for the grace of God, go I. I am blessed to have a sorta dirty, a bit banged up Tana and again this year, we have managed, despite 2 cancer surgeries and a little bit of a issue with not seeing stairs and the ER room, we are out and about. Tana is my home again for about the next 5 months.

So, go forth and wax. Count your blessings. If you got spare energy, Tana could use a bit of attention, come on over! I have beer, coffee, soda and water to offer helpers.
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Old 12-10-2013, 03:12 AM   #13
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I try real hard to mind my own business. I don't seem to care as much what others think about me. I do take time to clean my RV and TV once in a while. There are still a lot of places in this great country I haven't seen, if someone wants to buy something and neglect it, that is their problem.
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Old 12-10-2013, 03:36 AM   #14
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First off, I will admit that I was not always as conciencious about maintaining my vehicles and rv. It is hard to say when or what changed my attitude (I do feel this is an attitude), but I am now quite religious about maintenace, cleaning, and general care and feeding of what we use and/or own. wash the fifthwheel about 25 times a year, wax it at least twice, clean and seal the roof yearly, and so on a so forth for our other vehicles. The work necessary is significant, but it is nice to have something that works and looks great at the same time!
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Old 12-10-2013, 05:21 AM   #15
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Having a dirty Monte and two dirty vehicles in this crappy Illinois weather recently was driving me nuts. It was staying so cold I new I couldn't do much about it. Finally I bit the bullet and had my wife's vehicle detailed. My buddy owns a detail shop and treats me pretty good. Wash, wax, interior clean, shampoo carpets, the whole thing. It killed me to spend the money on something I normally do, but unless the temperature goes from 15 degrees to 60.....
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Old 12-10-2013, 06:50 AM   #16
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FYI: that big discoloration/fading on the top right front of my brand new 2013 Montana 343RL HC isn't my fault. It's because Keystone isn't perfect! They screwed up, and now I'm in line to get my front end painted to cover it up. Wasted days and wasted nights.

When we were in Elkhart this summer we stopped at Tiara and discovered that all their new Montana High Country's were plagued by the same malady - and these were unsold units still on the lot!

But hopefully you'll appreciate how good the rest of my rig including my truck looks - at least until I drive in the next dusty area, through a rainstorm, or an area were bugs are plentiful. . .

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Old 12-10-2013, 07:03 AM   #17
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Rainer you got me to thinking. That rubber trim all around the outside of my 2013 is already yellowing. I think I'll bring that up some time before my warranty expires. Honestly it doesn't bother me but it does make the rig look older.
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Old 12-10-2013, 07:38 AM   #18
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We have to wash these things!?!?
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Old 12-10-2013, 07:55 AM   #19
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I wonder if I could get the Portland airport deicing crew to come to my RV park and spray down this Monty?
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Old 12-10-2013, 08:07 AM   #20
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M.O.C. #10457
I recently found Croftgate products thanks to being at the Fall Rally and that we can wash the Monty easily with only one gallon of water. So, I washed the truck, car, and Monty. They all look good, but will need it again maybe in January. I would never do the wax-on wax-off thing as it's just not me. Observed my father doing all mechanical maintenance properly until time-age prevented, then in his 80's he hired it all done including oil changes. However, he never washed anything unless it was required to be cleaned in order to operate properly. This last week we left the 89 Ford farm truck outside when it rained, and the rusty hood and dented sides are all now rinsed off.
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