Emergency Plan & Vital Records with the PortaVault
If you had to evacuate your house immediately, could you get your loved ones out safely and grab all of your important documents.
If something happened to you, could a family member or a trusted friend quickly and easily locate the important documents needed to help you?
If you answered "NO" to either question then come to this informative meeting in the small tent on Thursday at 2:30 pm.
I will have information on a product that all RVers and home owners would be greatly interested in. It's called the Porta Vault and it was developed after Katrina.
I will also have the latest disaster info flyers from the American Red Cross, including a new app that they are promoting for cell phones. Learn about the Mobil Apps that cover Tornados, Hurricanes, Wildfires, Earthquakes and more.
Ever thought of being a Red Cross Volunteer...I have info on that too!
See you at Goshen!