The final addition to a great rally - contribution
To all MOC memebers:
It is with pleasure that we have made a PayPal donation to the MOC in the amount of $385.00 from the 2010 Virginia - Mid-Atlantic rally. The proceeds from one-half of the rally fee were $220 and this was supplemented by a contribution from Jim Fischer in the amount of $100 from the sales of the ladder mounted drying racks. In addition George Person accounted for $65 as a result of the half and half drawing that we had at the rally. As a pleasant reminder if you have gleaned information and savings from the use of the forum, even though it is a "free" forum, there are still operating and maintenance expenses that are incurred and your donations are always gratefully accepted to keep this as the best "forum on the web."
Bingo, Cathy and the Girls - live from the waterfront at Myrtle Beach (vacation finally)!!
Bingo and Cathy - Our adventures begin in the hills of WV. We are blessed by our 2014 3850FL Big Sky (previous 2011 3750FL and 2007 3400RL) that we pull with a 2007 Chevy Silverado Classic DRW CC dually.