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Old 07-03-2010, 01:06 PM   #1
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M.O.C. #9442
Poor quality control on new units

We have a 2010 3075RL Montana, Hickory Edition. We are constantly amazed at the poor quality control. We had a fan blade totally bent, nearly every pipe fitting loose, a kitchen counter held down with one screw, screws missing inside and out, shower leaking, large back shade held up with only 2 screws, etc. But today was the topper. We discovered our backup lights weren't working. We should have discovered this earlier, but just never noticed. When I took the lights out -- they weren't even connected. I finally located the wires which should have been connected. To my amazement, one connector was completely covered in black tape! Once connected, the lights worked. We like our Montana, but never had any of these kinds of problems with our previous SOB. I hope Keystone takes note of this posting and does something about their quality control.
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Old 07-03-2010, 01:20 PM   #2
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Sounds like incredibly poor workmanship! Have you spoken with anyone at your dealership or at Keystone about these issues? With that many issues you have discovered, I wonder what you may have missed????
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Old 07-03-2010, 01:42 PM   #3
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M.O.C. #9442
Yes, we did take it in to the dealer for warranty work with a long list. But most of the items I have fixed myself as we are on the road. Just wanted to let Keystone know that they need to step up their quality control.
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Old 07-03-2010, 04:21 PM   #4
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Quality off the line is really beginning to be a sad state. I currently have a SOB unit from Keystones #1 competition and have been looking to trade on a new Montana. I was looking at the Montana because my current SOB manufacture also has "off the line quality workmanship issues" and they have not gotten any better since the '07 unit that I purchased. After reviewing the forums, it appears that Keystone is not any better with the workmanship and they may even fall behind my brand as far as customer service after purchase. I may scrap my thoughts of going to a Montana and either look at a new unit from my current brand or a Carriage. What are your thoughts?....
Crossville, TN
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Old 07-03-2010, 04:35 PM   #5
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What's sad is what company puts out good quality now days? I'm not talking about just RVs. It's nearly everything. The best bet is to buy from a dealer that has campsites, stay several days, and test everything thouroughly.
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Old 07-03-2010, 04:35 PM   #6
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Don't judge an entire brand by the postings from some that have had an inordinate amount of problems. Our 2009 has had one slightly loose connection to the faucet and otherwise has been trouble free. Every manufacturer will have some problems. From what I read here, Keystone customer service is very responsive. I would buy another one in a minute.
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Old 07-03-2010, 04:47 PM   #7
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Was a very pround and enthusiastic Montana owner when I first puchased my 07 3075. I keep it very clean and spotless. I had to deal with 4 bad Chinese tires and now my front graphics have peeled. I have removed the bad tires and now have removed the front graphics. Proud and enthusiastic........not so much any more.
Somebody at Keystone needs to wake up!!!
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Old 07-03-2010, 09:25 PM   #8
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Well, Im the proud owner of a 2010 3400RL, that we have had out only three times so far. Still waiting on Keystone to correct a warranty issue that is over four months old. Maybe, I need to call Keystone myself, and stop relying on my dealership. However the more I read these threads, the more I wonder how Montana became the number one seller for the past 8 or 9 years. Just tonight, I have read about slideout hydraulic seal leaking, water leaks, A/C problem, bed storage pistons jammed, loose screws in ceiling fan blades. It just seems like it keeps going on and on. Makes me wonder if I made a mistake in purchasing a Montana. I sure hope not. One good thing the forum has done for me. It has given me a long list of things to keep check on..Joe
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Old 07-03-2010, 10:22 PM   #9
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Joe-- If you are working through your dealer about a problem and it's been four months I'd give Customer Service a call at Montana and see if the dealer has infact contacted them on the problem. I've seen to many dealers SAY they have contacted Keystone or Montana and not a word has been received by the home company! I'm not saying every Montana comes off the line perfect-- very few do-- but in most cases it is the DEALER that is dropping the ball not the manufacturer! Good luck to you all on your problems!
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Old 07-04-2010, 07:55 AM   #10
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M.O.C. #10448
Thanks Ron, Next week I'll give Customer Service a call. I had mentioned this problem a while back. It's just a minor thing, but since the Monty was bought brand new, I feel it should be fixed. It's that vinyl, stick on Montana mountain scene, that was located at top center of the wooden frame that goes around the living room slide out. It fell off! When the dealership ordered it, Keystone sent an entire wooden frame, just to replace that Montana scene. The vinyl sticker couldn't have cost but just a few dollars. Who knows what the Hickory frame cost. Anyway, it had been damaged in shipping. That was three months ago! So, like you said Ron, a phone call is in order. Thanks again...Joe
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Old 07-04-2010, 08:17 AM   #11
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None of us likes to have problems. We've had our share. But from what I'm seeing and hearing, it's no worse than every other manufacturer, including the million dollar plus Prevost coaches. We have some members here who have moved on to some very nice, and not cheap, Class A rigs and they'll tell you they've had the same kinds of problems. In fact, they've already said that, on the forum and in person.

One thing to keep in mind is we all come here and air our problems and concerns. That's only natural. We're looking for answers or help, and sometimes even empathy. Me included. But rarely do we come here and sing the virtues of our rigs. A few years ago at a Montana factory tour we were told they'd sold their 20,000th unit. It's a lot more by now. So, if we come here and read 100 complaints, well, that sounds like an awful lot. But, that's less than 1/2 of one percent of the units sold. I realize not every owner posts here but I hope my point comes across. Most rigs will have some problems. It's the nature of the beast. Some will be quality problems from the factory. Some will be caused by bouncing the rig down the road. But it's a very small minority that have many or serious problems. That's not much consolation if you own one of those, though. Hopefully I'm coming across as a realist and not a Montana apologist. All RV manufacturers should, in my opinion, do a better job of quality control. Montana included.
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Old 07-04-2010, 09:00 AM   #12
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Don't get me wrong. I like my Montana. But problems don't get fixed if the fixer doesn't know about them. I've been told that Keystone regularly monitors this site. I am just passing on to them the fact that they need to check their quality control so their product will be even better for the public.
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Old 07-04-2010, 09:08 AM   #13
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Steve, I think your note gives a good and accurate summary of the situation. I do know that quality is addressed regularly at the top levels but when you are dealing with humans, production lines and numbers out the door - it does become "the nature of the beast". Nobody wants problem and sometime you have to did that get out the door? But it does happen. What then becomes important is the support Keystone/Montana provides to the customer in getting a problem corrected.
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Old 07-04-2010, 11:18 AM   #14
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Keystone is not ignoring us. They are striving to do better.

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Old 07-05-2010, 05:48 AM   #15
Pete Hanson
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We are still the proud owners of a 2002 2955RL and can truthfully say that we have had virtually no problems with the rig other than normal wear and tear from bouncing down the highways. Decals are still in good shape, no hydraulic issues, no water leaks, and fan blades are tight. It should be noted that we do not full time in it so it does not get the usage many of our members put on their rigs. I say all this to make the point that it seems like nothing is made these days like they were in days gone by. That applies to everything we buy.....not just RVs. We are living in a "Wal-Mart" society where price is king and quality comes second. Some of my friends own their own small businesses and because everyone shops on price alone, with no regard for quality or service, it is getting very hard for them to make a buck. They have to compete with the low cost providers of whatever they are selling. I think this mentality has come to the huge corporations as well and we see cost cutting in layoffs, and quality of work. Hey, I'm thie first one to shop on price but I'm not surprised when I see what suffers when quality takes a back seat.

My bet is that the quality issues noted in this thread go throughout the RV industry. Keep in mind, all the fixtures and pieces parts come from a small group of manufacturers so you won't see major differences between many brands until you get into the high-end market. The difference may be in when a rig was Monday morning versus Friday afternoon. :-)
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Old 07-05-2010, 08:47 AM   #16
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Amen to the Wal-Mart society comment. Everyone wants to make good money, but pay cheap prices. If you expect to make a decent living think about that the next time you shop. The only way things will change is if the market demands it. Say no to the Evil Empire and businesses that lead us down the road of poor quality and lost domestic jobs!
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Old 07-05-2010, 03:10 PM   #17
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Quality control in the Rv industry is a industry wide problem. We have toured about every manufacturers plant in the Elkhart Area over the years and they are all the same. You will have the same issues with any brand. The pay is low the pace is fast the turn over is high. When you have these kinds of issues don't keep them to yourself. Call keystone and let them know.
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