Schedule for rally! (subject to time change)
Wednesday: - Meet and Greet in pavillion at 7pm
- Snacks will be provided, bring your own drinks
- Campfires if weather cooperates
Thursday— - Potluck dinner 5:30 in pavillion
- please sign up on potluck dinner thread
- (horse shoes,volley ball, swimmimg available each day)
Friday— - Prime Outlets for those interested
- Bingo in the evening
- Wiener roast
- New trailers displayed by Hufnagles and Majors Trailer sales
Saturday— - DJ in the evening provided by campround
- Show and Tell
- 50-50 raffle to benefit the forum
- door prize drawing
- King Kone for ice cream (time open)
Sunday--- - Continental breakfast provded by wagonmasters 10am?