It is already time to start planning our "Circling of the Montanas" in Quartzsite.
image courtesy of Dick Driver (rldriver 2801)
Dates: January 16-24, 2010 in Quartzsite; camping on Plomosa Road.
Here is the link to the RV show there.
Quartzsite RV Show
This event is a gathering of MOC members with a very small agenda. We typically have a lot of visiting, a visitor's day with potluck snacks, and a camp fire each night.
The wagonmasters will be there sometime during the first week of January, but any of you who want to come earlier or stay longer are welcome because the camping on Plomosa Road is absolutely free on the BLM land.
We will have a MOC sign posted on Plomosa Road to show you where to turn off the road to get to the gathering area. We'll also give out cell numbers if you require an escort, there is a small escort fee, with fanfare, parade, dancers and lighting available. (NOT)
There are no hook ups, water, or sewer dumps in the Plomosa Rd. area. However; several MOC members have 40-gallon water bladders and 12-volt pumps, all available for you to use to acquire water. Cost of filling the bladder in Quartzsite is 5-cents per gallon ($2) for filtered water. We usually take turns filling them when going to town.
Quiet generators are required for power. (For the peace of all; please do not use the contractor type generators). If you need to borrow a quiet generator to charge your batteries while there, let us know, I'll do my best to help, there are several loaners to use for short periods.
We will also need camp firewood. Please bring as much as you can.
When you need sewer service, you will need to call the honey wagon service and they will come out to the area and take care of your rig on site. We have the telephone number available.
Please let us know if you want to attend the gathering in Quartzsite by supplying the following information for the name tags.
First and Last Name(s):
MOC user Name:
MOC Number:
City and State:
Approximate Date of Arrival/Departure:
Thank you, we really look forward to seeing you!
Robbie and Alice Simons
Quartzsite 2010 Wagonmasters
As of the last edit (01/07/2010) of this posting, there are only:
9 days, until the Quartzsite 2010 Circling of the Montanas!
Anderson Dave & Kelly Dave Anderson-1654 Chewelah, WA Assistant Wagonmaster
Angel Phil & Carol TekeAngel-9512 Mesa, AZ Assistant Wagonmaster
Beavers Rich & Kathy PapaBeav-7487 Petaluma, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Brown Joe & Lucy Jolu-7919 Canon City, CO Assistant Wagonmaster
Brown & Traversino Michael & Renee GOFNUTS-3053 Lemoore, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Burrell Randy & Charlene Burrell thor-6133 Cottam, Ontario Assistant Wagonmaster
Carr Don & Joy nailbender-5811 Paradise, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Carnakis John & Bobbi yanaki-6536 Tehachpi, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Cooper Jimmy & DB KTManiac-8818 Damascus, OR Assistant Wagonmaster
Christoffersen John & Belinda SOB Coeur d’Alene, ID Assistant Wagonmaster
Driver Dick & Jackie rldriver-2801 Ephrata, WA Assistant Wagonmaster
Gallagher JIm & Vicki Jim n Vicki-9161 Magalia, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Greenlee Bob & Mina Mynabird-8757 Lodi, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Grissom Bob & Sharon FireTruckerWife and firetrucker-1629, 2165 Gardnerville, NV Assistant Wagonmaster
Grobstig & Cox Steve & Jeanne Sgrob47-7031 Pine, AZ Assistant Wagonmaster
Helmick Ron & Rose helmick-8890 Lake Forest, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Henry Doug & Sharon Dhenry-496 Forestville, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Hill Dennis & Mary Kay HamRad and PERetired-15, 3897 Bakersfield, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Howard Ray & Pam rphoward-4471 Paradise, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Huddleston Bill and Phyllis SOB Grass Valley, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Jacobs Birdie & Jean birdie-1169 Chattam, IL Assistant Wagonmaster
Jolley Keith & Carolyn kcjolley-9226 Adin, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Kelly Gary & Jennifer littlespud-1696 Glendive, MT Assistant Wagonmaster
Kikel David & Jo-Anna David and Jo-Anna-6022 Alexandria,*VA Assistant Wagonmaster
Korchak Dennis & Jackie Dennis Korchak-2419 Silverdale, WA Assistant Wagonmaster
Kumpula Ellis & Yvette 8e3ko-9261 Ardrossan, AB Assistant Wagonmaster
Lasater Brad & Carol lasater-77 Rapid City, SD Assistant Wagonmaster
Leighs / Kinnear Clark & Sheila clarkandsheila-7994 Gibsons, BC Assistant Wagonmaster
Lyons & Ribeiro Jack & David Jackel1959-2471 Oak Harbor, WA Assistant Wagonmaster
M Gary & Jude GaryM-9975 JudeM-9979 Bon Accord, BC Assistant Wagonmaster
MacLeod Charlie & Nila 8.1al-1658 Hadley, MI Assistant Wagonmaster
Maison Dennis, Sharon, and Jennifer tbhd-2221 Macomb, MI Assistant Wagonmaster
McCamy Bill & Mariana Lije Baley-3890 Woodland, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Moore Don & Claudia Searchers-1685 Mount Shasta, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Morris Hal & Kathy hwmorris-9217 Reno, NV Assistant Wagonmaster
Nappier Bill & Mary crossthread-6460 Arroyo Grande, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Peel Greg & Laurie Laurie Peel-9226 Danville, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Rehfeld Rod & Ardith rorehfeld-8991 Port Orchard, WA Assistant Wagonmaster
Retz Jim & Carolyn jretz-6321 Emery, SD Assistant Wagonmaster
Ross Don & Mary Ann hookman-6237 Surrey, BC Assistant Wagonmaster
Shepphird John & Roxanne WorkerB-8202 Milford, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Simons Robbie & Alice simonsrf-3120 Renton, WA Wagonmasters
Stephenson Gloria & Larry embraceatrend-6316 Maple Ridge, BC Assistant Wagonmaster
Theofanides Mark & Karen Mtheo-6171 Merced, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Thompson Mel & Joy melnjoy & MelsJoy-1935,7085 Yuma, AZ Assistant Wagonmaster
Ware Dick & Shelley rware-6849 Klamath Falls, OR Assistant Wagonmaster
Webb Grant & Kathy BirdingRVer-5740 San Jose, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Whitfield Dick & Toni rlwhit-3189 Deming, WA Assistant Wagonmaster
Wolff / Hollas Karen & John kwolff7-6687 Munds Park,*AZ Assistant Wagonmaster
Young Bill & Colene (CJ) The Oldguard-2625 Lake Tapps, WA Assistant Wagonmaster
Youngren Carl & Susan Carl n Susan & Susan not Carl -4831, 8592 Carmichael, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Wells Tom & Teresa SOB Friends of Mtheo Atwater, CA Assistant Wagonmaster
Whalen Dennis and Carol Dennis and Carol Livingston, TX Assistant Wagonmaster
01/07/2010 There are 53 Happy Campers attending the Quartzsite Rally!
Still looking for more Assistant Wagonmasters!