2007 Lake Siskiyou White Elephant Gift Exchange
For those of you who attended last year's rally, the white elephant gift exchange was a definite hit and we voted to do it again.
The gift choice is yours. You can go for something very nice or something very silly. The price should range $10-15. One gift per RV or couple. I suspect we will see a few from last year rewrapped awaiting a new home. That is an option, but it should be in new condition.
Bring your wrapped gift (with nothing to identify who brought it) the day of the BBQ dinner. There will be a table set up in the building for that purpose.
Here are the rules for the white elephant gift exchange. Since some of our group went to the rally in Buellton, we will keep the rules the same. The emcees will be Roy and Nancy Burk (ToolmanRoy).
One slip for each RV at the rally will be placed in a container ahead of time with the name already on it. If there is more than one couple in an RV there will be slips for each. This will be coordinated wtih Margee to be sure no one is missed.
1. Roy will pick a slip out of the container and read the name. That person is to come forward and pick out a gift from the gift table and open it there.
2. When the next person’s name is called, they will have a choice of taking a gift already opened or coming to the table and choosing a wrapped gift.
3. If someone chooses a gift previously opened, then the person who lost their gift will go up to the table and choose another wrapped gift. They will not be allowed to take a previously opened gift at that time.
We look forward to seeing the gifts, who ends up with what, and the gifts making the rounds from last year’s exchange. We are sure many will be saved for the next event!
Nancy and Roy/ToolmanRoy