warranty and features
As prospective Mountaineer purchasers (no bunk house floor plan in the Montana) the 1 year warranty makes us a little nervous. Depending when you take delivery a good part of your warranty time the trailer could be in storage for winter. Our current trailer is a full 2 year hitch to bumper warranty which gives us 2 full summers of camping. Not that we anticipate needing it but that level of comfort is there.
I know you are trying to keep the costs down to offer a good quality trailer at a reasonable cost with the Mountaineer, and for the most part it is. But would like to see thermal pane windows as an option on the Mountaineer, which they were until you changed factories (or so we have been told).
Or alternately offer the 318 BHS in the Montana line.
Thanks for listening...
2003 silverado 2500HD, D/A, CC, LB, 4x4
Mountaineer 318bhs wannabes
2002 Coleman Caravan 25SLB
Edited by - bonecho on 06/06/2003 12:51:17 AM