Nafr24 - card bingo
Are you ready to have some fun? Do you like to play cards? Do you like to play bingo?
Well have we something for you!!
Once again, we will be featuring Card Bingo at the rally!
This is a fun fast paced game where you can win great prizes and as well as meet new people!
Game Play is simple;
1) The players are broken down into groups of 4 per table.
2) At each table of 4 players, a deck of 52 cards (No Jokers) is dealt out giving 13 cards to each player.
3) Players will lay their cards down, face up in front of them.
4) The Caller shuffles the extra-large size deck of cards and calls out and shows the cards one by one.
5) The Caller then places the card face up, and in order, on a nearby table.
6) Players turn their matching cards over when called.
7) The first player to have all 13 cards turned over shouts out “Bingo”.
8) A Volunteer will go to the table with the Bingo, collects the winner’s cards and takes the cards to the Caller.
9) The Caller and the Volunteer will match the winner’s cards to the cards that were called to verify the win.
10) The volunteer will then present the winner with a prize.
11) That round of play ends.
The game usually lasts about 1 hour to 1.5 hours or when the players decide to stop.
There is no need to sign up!
There is no need to volunteer!
You do need to be there for an awesomely fun night with a HUGE surprise for everyone!
Stay tuned to this post for time and place!!