2022 3791RD Interior Zone 1 blowing fuse
Hello all, this is my first post. I am a new RV owner (about 4 months now) and live in my stationary Monty full time (Haven't bought a truck yet to tow it.)
Ok so... the "interior zone 1" 15amp fuse blows the instant it touches both terminals in the fuse block. As far as I can tell, the circuit includes the bathroom light and fan, bedroom ceiling lights, reading lights, and the usb's.
I turned everything off and unplugged everything. I've disconnected the bathroom fan (directly from the motor) and controller. I also turned off all of the breakers in the panel and it still pops(?!!?!)
All of the lights are LED, so no filament to break and short.
Has anyone seen any issues with these led light fixtures, switches, etc that could be causing this? It could be a wire shorted, but the only movement the rv experiences to cause wires to rub is when the washing machine is on.
Also, any idea where the fuse supply power is coming from with all of the breakers in the off position?
Thank you for your time,