01-08-2025, 02:29 PM
Seasoned Camper
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M.O.C. #25709
2019 F-350 long-bed SuperCrew...experienced death wobble (aka "sustained steering oscillation") with about 50,000 miles on the vehicle. Initiated by asymmetric road bumps (like pothole) at freeway speeds. Accompanied by loss of full steering control...very scary! In that time frame Ford issued "Customer Satisfaction Program" bulletin #20N04 which extended warranty coverage for replacing the steering linkage damper with a redesigned damper. I had this replacement done (no charge) and the truck has performed fine during the subsequent 2 years and 20,000 miles. I would also note, based on what I learned through this whole process, that this oscillation issue is not limited to Ford products.
01-08-2025, 02:33 PM
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M.O.C. #27279
I have a 2017 F350 and I have experienced the “Death Wobble” twice while pulling my 2021 Montana 3121RL Legacy and a few times without it. If it happens, take your foot off the accelerator and let the vehicle slow down until the wobble stops. I took mine into the dealer before Ford admitted there was a problem but the service manager said others had the same issue. Ford finally admitted to the problem. They issued a recall and replaced the steering dampener. Haven’t had a problem since.
01-08-2025, 03:33 PM
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M.O.C. #26832
Originally Posted by bsdf200
I have to ask: I am looking for an F 350 from 2021 to 2023. Do you like your rig? Have you the death wobble?
MOD Update: Post moved to a new Thread appropriate for the question.
I have a 2011 F250 Powerstroke and YES it has 'Death Wobble'. And despite what these people tell you in replies below, it CAN be deadly.
I have spent upwards of 4K to rectify issues.
WAY WORSE when towing a 5th wheel, not enough weight on the front end.
Also, I have already had the Bosch CP4 fuel pump explode. That was 12K.
01-08-2025, 03:38 PM
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M.O.C. #23146
2017 SRW F350 diesel had death wobble @50K so steering stabilizer replaced and did well until~70K miles. At that visit Ford dealer replaced stabilizer and ball joints. So far so good after another 15K miles. All covered under warranty/ tech bulletin both times.Time will tell if the issue has been resolved permanently. (I have a Ford 125K/8 yr ext full warranty, I love the truck and it’s in almost showroom condition, so if it happens again after that I’ll probably go to aftermarket parts as mentioned in one of the threads above.
01-08-2025, 03:53 PM
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #18572
Death Wobble
I think that’s what happens when one of the legs on my walker gives way.
01-08-2025, 04:11 PM
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #2283
Originally Posted by JABURKHOLDER
Death Wobble
I think that’s what happens when one of the legs on my walker gives way.
Now that is the real death wobble.
Pays to keep the ole walker in good shape.
01-08-2025, 05:24 PM
Montana Fan
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M.O.C. #24588
Originally Posted by 432bartman
I'd also be concerned about the CP4 fuel pump Ford still insists on using. If and when that grenades, your entire fuel system has to be replaced, which can be $10-17K.
Today’s low sulfur fuel lacks lubricity. Recently Dave’s Auto featured a superduty with 900,000 miles that came to his shop. Dave offered to do a tear down of the CP4 pump. The pump was pristine inside. The truck owner attributed it to use of fuel additive in every fill up. A former office secretary we employed, her husband has an injector rebuild shop. He stated all new diesels should run a lubricity enhancing additive with each tank fill. My go to is Opti-Lube XL. A gallon treats 1280 gallons of diesel.
01-08-2025, 08:02 PM
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #2283
Originally Posted by firestation12
Today’s low sulfur fuel lacks lubricity. Recently Dave’s Auto featured a superduty with 900,000 miles that came to his shop. Dave offered to do a tear down of the CP4 pump. The pump was pristine inside. The truck owner attributed it to use of fuel additive in every fill up. A former office secretary we employed, her husband has an injector rebuild shop. He stated all new diesels should run a lubricity enhancing additive with each tank fill. My go to is Opti-Lube XL. A gallon treats 1280 gallons of diesel.
My John Deere tractor has a mechanical fuel pump. It got to where it was smoking when it got hot from being worked hard. I went to our JD dealer they told me to use a fuel treatment with lubricant in it. I did and the smoke went away in about one tank of fuel.
You can get away without using fuel treatment for a while but is it worth it?
01-09-2025, 06:14 AM
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M.O.C. #33743
Hello, I have owned 3 F250s since 2015 and have not experienced the wobble. 2 gas and now a diesel.
Scott and Cheryl
2023 Ford F250 Tremor (did you feel it?)
2023 Montana 3671BP
01-09-2025, 07:49 AM
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M.O.C. #34404
I had it twice in my 2018 F350 single rear wheel only happen when I hit a hard bump going on about 65-70 mph slowing down and applying the brakes would make it go away, however took it to a dealer they replaced the Stock factory steering dampener with an upgraded version that fixed the problem. I haven’t had a problem since and that was about 30,000 miles ago.
01-09-2025, 07:56 AM
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M.O.C. #27665
Originally Posted by scottz
I had one of those at 70+; new tires and multiple balancing did not help (including road force). I was about ready to pull the drive shaft and have it balanced when I found a shop that still trued tires (not easy to find these days). One of the front tires was out of round, trued it, problem solved.
So I’m on my second new F450 (one 2023, new 2024) and both had and have a wobble at 75mph. The new one only has 3000 miles on it….(gotta make that warranty appt). I personally think it’s the crappy oem tires. The 2023’s tires were spent by 27000 miles. Cupping? When my older F350 had a wobble (not the death wobble in the video). I switched to Michelins and everything went smoooooooth for 60k+ miles.
Full-Timing since 2018, previously in a 2013 3625RE, now a 2024 River Ranch 399RL, 2024 Ford F450DRW with High Output Diesel
01-26-2025, 09:31 AM
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #21158
Originally Posted by bshgto
Work truck I drove did this when you hit a bump on the the road with 150,000 miles. They replaced everything that had to do with the front suspension including the ball joints and tires and realigned the front end. Never happened again. so it`s from worn parts, mis adjustment or improper installation of parts. The other trucks did not do this with varying miles.
Yeh I know this doesn`t really solve the mystery.
We had this problem when our truck was fairly new, (10k miles or so) so not a wear issue. It would hit us at towing speed (67mph) on interstate at an overpass transition point on a curve if the transition was a bit rough. All those conditions had to be met and even then it wasn't every time. There was a service bulletin on this but I have no clue what the number is. I went to the dealer and insisted they fix it. They were reluctant at first saying they had to verify it. I told them to send a tech to the NYS Thruway (toll road) and meet all the conditions and he will experience it. They then took my word for and Ford covered the repair which was adding a steering damper. We now have 60K on the truck and have not experienced any wobble since.
Jim B
2017 Lariat F-350 FX4, CC, SB, 6.7 PSD 4WD
2018 MONTY 3731FL, at our private winter site in GA
01-26-2025, 10:58 AM
Montana Fan
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M.O.C. #32230
‘21 F350 here w/ 6.7 diesel, SRW, 4WD, Crew Cab, LB, 79K miles. Bought new. No death wobble. Love the truck.
02-01-2025, 08:11 PM
Montana Fan
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M.O.C. #31898
I hate really long posts--so will try and keep short and explain my experience--Take it for what it's worth.
I owned a 2011 and still own a 2019 and 2022--All are Crew cab Longbed 4x4 Diesels. Have had Death Wobble occur on the 2019 and new tires was the answer---PERIOD
2011 Truck blew up aft 8 years with only 58K on the clock. (Don't ever buy a new model year...LOL) I NEVER had death wobble, but replaced tires early with aggressive Dick Cepek's, so my tires were always in great shape. I even sold the stock tires when I upgraded there was so much tread left.
2019 Truck Death Wobble started on a long trip from AK to Las Vegas and return in May 2022. Remember it vividly, it was northern SLC (Ogden area) on I15. Rough spot/bridge abutment and it happened. Continued to get worse thru the summer and tires needed replaced. Got new tires later in 2022 (Discover AT3's) and no more issues.  Tire shop said front was tight. Those tires got worn down early summer of 2024 and I could feel the wobble slightly coming on, so I went and bought another set of AT3 and had no issues all summer. But I ran hard with several tips up the Daltan Hwy (Haul Road) and those tires are already in bad shape and worn in 1 summer. --But it was time to swap to my studded pair on other rims. They too were getting down there on tread and death wobble was getting worse so I put on new tires (Discoverer STT Pro's (I think??) Siped and studded. Yep, no more issues to date thru rest of winter.  Come spring I may try and get a few more miles out of the AT3's, but I know if I get the wobble new tires will fix it. This truck has 170K on the clock.
2022 Truck is in lower 48 with my fifth wheel (where I am now) and has under 25K on the clock so nothing to report there either. This one has 20" rims/stock tires.
2022 CC LB F350 SRW--Diesel; 50 Gallon Titan Aux Pack Tank; Airbags with onboard Air
2022 Montana 3231 CK (Lower 48 Winter Rig)
2007 28' Desert Fox Toy Hauler (Alaska Summer Rig)
02-01-2025, 09:00 PM
Montana Fan
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M.O.C. #24683
I don’t know what you call the Death Wobble, but mine was a hundred times worse than worn tires. When the stabilizer strut was replaced, same tires, fixed for three years now with the same tires.
02-01-2025, 09:46 PM
Montana Fan
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Location: Wasilla
Posts: 148
M.O.C. #31898
Originally Posted by BuckandTeresa
I don’t know what you call the Death Wobble, but mine was a hundred times worse than worn tires. When the stabilizer strut was replaced, same tires, fixed for three years now with the same tires.
Nope it was 100% the wobble. Only happened when you hit bridge abutment, hole, washboard road or whatever at speed (particularly if you weren’t on strait away, but washboard even tested that a time or two). and steering wheel would all but rip out of hands. Trust me it was the death wobble.
2022 CC LB F350 SRW--Diesel; 50 Gallon Titan Aux Pack Tank; Airbags with onboard Air
2022 Montana 3231 CK (Lower 48 Winter Rig)
2007 28' Desert Fox Toy Hauler (Alaska Summer Rig)
02-02-2025, 10:41 AM
Montana Fan
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Posts: 290
M.O.C. #33285
Have a 2022 f350 king ranch. No problems at all
Bob, Kay and our 3 pups Lily, Willis and Gizmo
Jacksonville, Nc
Retired LEO of 35 years enjoying life camping n fishing
2021 Montana 3761fl pulled with a 2022 F350 King Ranch
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