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Old 07-17-2008, 04:30 PM   #21
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Really sorry about your golf cart John. I always thought those were pretty heavy. I would never have thought you could steal one.

Glad to hear there is a little bit of compassion out there - thanks HamRad. I always figured there is a reason people steal and a reason I have insurance.

I figure if you get shot in the yard trying to defend your golf cart, somebody besides you is going to end up with your golf cart anyway. Or worse, how terrible to cause your son to have to put handcuffs around your wrists as your daughter in the ER pulls the sheet over the head of the guy you popped trying to save your property. In the end, the only thing you really ever get to keep, is your conscience.
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Old 07-18-2008, 04:11 PM   #22
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John..I know you will solve the Golf cart caper..But tell the blender unharmed..
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Old 07-19-2008, 01:13 AM   #23
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TX law allows you to use deadly force to protect your property. Not sure any other state has a law near as liberal to the property owner. You can even use deadly force to protect your neighbors or families property. Please review the law, and don't take my word for it. That being said, I would hate to know I took a life over a golf cart or like. Also, you will likely have to make a Grand Jury appearance, and an over zealous DA could make your life miserable and expensive (as in lawyer).

I had an experience here recently. I went to the fishing pier one day, and noticed someone had left their fishing rod and bait bucket on the pier. I was shocked when I recognized the rod as mine. We believe the theft was a homeless individual that rode into the park on a bicycle (someone else on the pier saw him). I was sure glad I didn't catch him stealing the rod (not sure what I would have done). I realize it was only a fishing rod, but my point is a thief is a thief, and will steal anything. At least he left it for me to recover. Don't know who's bait bucket it was.
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Old 07-19-2008, 01:33 AM   #24
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John, sorry to read about the theft, as you stated, your home is at the end of a very long drive, only someone who has been within shouting distance would know you had the golf cart. You are probably right about the suspect. I would get a motion detector or two. I hooked up a camera and floodlight, triggered by a motion detector, at our front door, I have one at my shop/garage down below as well, might be a good idea for you. Also, you can rig a sensor that will alert you if anyone drives within a selected area. Your Zero-turn mowers will be an attractive target, as well as all your other equipment.
I formed a neighborhood watch in our area, I work with the K.C.P.D. on this, They send me crime info for our little neighborhood, and I get really good response on a personal level. I E-mail my neighbors with reports, and they contact me with any suspicious activity, we look out for each other.
You are in the 'Boonies' there, and kind of on your own, I wish you well my friend.
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Old 07-19-2008, 12:27 PM   #25
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Rich, the BLENDER is untouched. and to answer a few others. If I would have caught the dude's, they would have been working around the place under my guidence for several hours, like splitting wood, shoveling manure, mowing grass, picking up trash, digging some holes, stacking rocks, (you get the picture) and after I felt things had been cleaned up to my specks. I would have called the law, to pick them up.. Yea I know (they probably would have filed charged on Kidnapping or something on me), but I would have gotten a few things done around here Kind a like that Sheriff in Arizona. I don't think they would have ever taken something form me again.
And Rich, I would have been using the BLENDER AND WATCHING THEM, PREHAPS THEY COULD HAVE EVEN TAUGHT ME SOME SPANISH... That way I would not have to punch #1 on the telephone all the time..
Safe Travels John
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Old 07-19-2008, 02:57 PM   #26
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I'm glad to hear that the perps have been caught! That's great news. Did you recover your golf cart too?


Edit to correct spelling error.
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Old 07-22-2008, 08:26 AM   #27
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I've been victimized too!

I started to clean some aluminum awnings that I had taken down about 2-3 years ago off of the stick house. I left them down to see if we would like the house without the awnings on it; so they just sat around stacked up in the back of the house. I got them out and started cleaning them when I noticed that one of them was missing. It could have been missing for a year or two for all I know. I figure somebody must have wanted some quick drug money. Who knows for sure what happened to it? I guess it’s just another “Sign of the Times.” I’m sure puzzled though as to why they only took one of them and didn’t take any more of them other than it would have been more noticeable. For the most part it really didn’t surprise me!
2011 GMC 4X4 dually CC, 6.6 Duramax with Allison Transmission. Formally 2001 Montana,2007 3400RL Montana, presently 2018 3401RS Alpine.
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Old 07-23-2008, 03:06 AM   #28
Delaine and Lindy
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I think its only going to get worse, with so many companys going South of the border (NAFTA) and of course the major problem being Oil. Things are tuff for most people. Still there is never a excuse to take things from other people. We are looking into more security measures. And were we live in the past no one would lock anything but times have changed. However our greatest security is our dog "Montana" he hears everything and then lets you know. GBY......
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Old 07-23-2008, 03:22 AM   #29
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That kind of theft has been on a steady increase in this area. Most counties now require that junk yards take positive ID from folks selling copper ,aluminum and scrap metal. Aluminum siding has been ripped of homes vacant and for sell, same with copper. We have folks that have for years come down our street collecting scrap metal, washers, dryers, ect on trash day. They do it for extra money and it can be very profitable. The increase in theft of this kind has been attributed to the hard economic times and folks in a struggle to survive. As I have said.. When the ordinary folk is deprived of the basic needs...anything goes... What would you do to feed your family. We have dogs on both sides of us and our property backs onto a wooded area. When the dogs bark at night the rear spotlights come on up and down the street now. Most have a MV light out front(the homes were built with them) and motion detector lights in front a rear. Most yards here are also fenced to keep the dogs in. Extra measures are not a bad idea.... we are the haves and many folks figure we have to much and they have not enough. Hard times indeed.
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Old 07-23-2008, 04:48 AM   #30
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Soapbox comment I guess but I was taught that there is never any reason to steal. My folks worked hard to instill a very tough form of work and social ethic in us as kids and one of those tenants was to get out and work -- it may be menial labor but you work if you are able, you don't steal!! Unfortunately, too many of our younger 'neighbors' (and I'll be honest, our own kids) were not brought up in that tough of an environment! My daughter and son-in-law were given a lot more than we were; not saying it was a bad thing - we wanted better for them than what we had (or remember we had) but now that times are rougher and tighter, maybe our way wasn't such a good thing -- I don't know and I cant' judge, all I can do at this point is question.............
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Old 07-23-2008, 05:58 AM   #31
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That is true but many of us have never experienced the worst of the worst. No job and no jobs to be had, no health insurance, can't pay the rent or the mortgage. The kids are hungry,Sick, no money for food. I see this through our local community care organization which we support(Lions Club)Good people who are embaresed to ask for help but it is the last resort. A day of work here or there will not do the job and they are happy and willing to do that. It is to easy for us to say "just go get a job"...Go to your local organization that deals with the problems of these folks.Walk in their shoes., help them. If you can help them get back on their feet the less chance they will steal for food. I agree..there should be no reason to steal..but if your family had no food, if your wife or kids were sick.If you were about to lose your home or apartment and had tried everything to get enough money to survive....what might you do??? There are plenty of good people in that situation.

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Old 07-23-2008, 06:34 AM   #32
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I believe most of these thefts are from drug users. Most people can find a job if they want one. It may not pay much or be the job they want.

I was looking at a map on a site and you click on a state then click again and it shows counties where drug bust have happened and meth houses. It was unbelievable! I knew it was bad but it is getting worse. Not only big cities but many many small towns in rural areas.
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Old 07-23-2008, 07:29 AM   #33
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"Most people can find a job if they want one. It may not pay much or be the job they want. " wish it was that simple. It isn't. Folks who steal for drugs usually need the money right now and there is a much easier and faster way to get quick money. Rob a Store, Bank, House invasion, car jacking,Gun in your back and a withdrawal from your ATM account. Plain knock you down or kill you and steal your money. That is right now money. The other takes time and effort and the hop head does not have that. Folks need steady jobs that pay a wage that can support their basic needs. They need medical insurance to care for the family. You don't get that at Minimum wage or part time work. I drive a school bus and I don't get any kind of benefits (lucky I don't need them) Why is it hard to accept that there are folks like us, that do not use or sell drugs, are not lazy and are victims of a terrible economic condition who are trying to survive. Not picking on anyone here but instead of talking go out in your community. There are Church groups, community care groups, Get involved, understand.If they can't find a job..find one for them. If it is so easy then we can solve the problems in short order.
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Old 07-23-2008, 11:41 AM   #34
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We just returned from 11 days in OC, MD. After setup, we left for a quick meal at KFC. The young lady who took our order spoke with an Eastern European accent. So did the other three with her as we listened to their native tongue conversations. We left for the grocery store. Same story. We went to several restaurants during the week. Same story. Then one day on the Boardwalk, we stopped in a beach merchandise store. I noticed the accent again. I was looking at a few items and overheard the two girls talking in English. They were from the Ukraine. "Sign of the Times". This made me stop and take notice. They probably were very thankful for being here.

Here is the funny part. They were talking about some kids from the US wanting to know where they were from. They told them - The Ukraine. The kids response - "Is that like near Great Britan?" True story!!
They were laughing and so was I.

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Old 07-23-2008, 11:46 AM   #35
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Drug dealers are like mentioned above. They want fast easy money.

We do a lot of volunteer work. In the last year we have donated about $5,000.00 worth of housekeeping and furniture to a charity that sets up the homeless in apartments and houses. They have nothing. This helps them get back on their feet. Another charity gets them a job. Some already have jobs but living in shelters.
We pick up a lot of the furniture at yard sales and auctions for the charity.
I bake cookies and give to the homeless. Baking cookies and several other things for the shelters. So don't think we don't do anything. We do what we can.
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Old 07-23-2008, 12:09 PM   #36
Delaine and Lindy
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Thanks Dustytuu for what you do to help the needy, we have done the same thing. After selling our stick and brick a few years back. We sold most all the funiture. But when it got to the point people started making offers of much less than what the item was worth we stopped selling. The next day we loaded the Truck and the inclosed trailer and gave it all to Goodwill and it was a lot of nice usable things. The Goodwill workers were very surprised to see some things we were giving away. I really believe a lot of people just don't want to work. I had a landscape business and couldn't find enough help, with the exception of illegals. So I had enough and retired. Just try to get young people to haul hay, it want happen. There are many who want something for nothing, so they steal from others. And thats just a Sign of the Times. GBY.....
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Old 07-23-2008, 01:04 PM   #37
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I'm thinking the ol' MOC is getting close to cracking this case John!

Evidence first pointed towards ethnic group tree trimmers, but its looking like it was most likely homeless Ukranian youth drug abusing golfer gangs that are jobless as a result of their fast food restaurants relocating to Mexico because that's where the oil is, and if they had been punished more severely when they were kids, you wouldn't have to bake them cookies to keep them from stealing your spare tire.

By tomorrow you should have your golf cart back and the culprits behind bars.
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Old 07-23-2008, 01:22 PM   #38
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Was not picking on you was the statement "Most people can find a job if they want one. It may not pay much or be the job they want." The facts are There are so many people who can not find a job. There are so many looking for work. They are not qualified, They have no experience. There is a new speed shop opening in town..sign out front... Now Hiring...experience required. The car salesman who just got laid off has no experience. Another sign in town... Experienced mechanic apply within. The Ford Assembly line worker has no clue. The Min wage here in Ohio just went to 7.00 per hour..that is 14,560 for full time work..The Federal Poverty level is 17,170 for a family of three. Most companies hire part time workers to avoid benefits and most full time min wage jobs do not offer benefits. I see things differently.I see that most people want to work and provide for themselves and family. They want to provide food shelter, food and medical needs and they need a wage that can do that. I see that the vast majority of people do not use drugs, do not sell drugs or operate meth labs and are not criminals. Good people in hard times and too many of us fluff then off as lazy, druggies, get something for nothing people.No..they are just you and me..

And.. whe I was a kid in the small steel town of New Castle, PA you could go most all day and never hear a word of English as most folks were my Grand parents and family, both sides.At the football games you could hear the National anthem sung in many different tongues. My Grandfather knew every word..In Italian. No one cared..Now it is a bad thing..What has become of us..
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Old 07-23-2008, 01:28 PM   #39
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You are too funny!

I get so confused with all the "facts" I'm picking up here. First I thought the illegals (Mexicans or Spanish) were all nothing but lazy good for nothing but stealing druggies. Now I see that they like to work (but apparently only to "case" a place so they can burglarize later) doing landscaping.

You can see how confusing all this can be.

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Old 07-23-2008, 02:34 PM   #40
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Brad I think you may have crossed the line. I have too much class to reply to your remark
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