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Old 07-15-2008, 05:19 PM   #13
Wayne and Carolyn Mathews
Montana Master
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Dillon KOA
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M.O.C. #7445
Waynem, if I put any more work into my days and nights, I'd have to lobby for 30+ hour DAYS. Unpacking goes well when every item has a place, but boy, when I hit those boxes of stuff that I have to think about (keep, sell, donate, pawn off on the kids, et.), things come to a halt. Don't know whether it's good or bad, but I was the child of parents who not only kept everything that ever crossed their hands, but also kept everything my brother and I did while living at home. To complicate matters, they collected antiques, everything from Limoges china to square nails. My whole life I was told to never, ever get rid of this or that because it was valuable or it was "family." When I cleaned out their home a few years ago, I wound up with boxes of things like my first little handprint in plaster, the first tooth I lost, etc. Every time I dispose of something now, I can hear my mother saying, "Remember, that is valuable. It was Uncle Whatever's second cousin's first shoelace."

I did keep all that stuff for the last few years (scared not to keep it!). But now, out it goes. There actually was little of value in anything other than a few antiques, and since we are definitely outdoors-living, lodge-style home people, those Limoges tea sets don't work with our lifestyle!

And now, since you've made me feel guilty about taking off a few hours between midnight and dawn, I'm seriously considering getting dressed and going over to unpack more boxes. Nah, on second thought, NO, NO, NO! (Should have hosted a mini-MOC rally here and had contests to see who could unpack and put away the contents of randomly-chosen boxes the fastest.)

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