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Old 05-10-2018, 09:24 PM   #3
Montana Fan
Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: Sanford
Posts: 114
M.O.C. #18136
I am not sure about the steamer but I just spent four complete days removing the peeling decals on my Montana. I used a heat gun to remove the decals and then acetone and a scraper to take off the glue. It is a big job and you have to be careful with the scraper. The acetone works very well but it appears that the adhesive is thicker on some parts than the other. I used the thick Goof Off for the thicker residue. You have to give it a few minutes to work, use the scraper and then use a dry cloth to remove the remaining Goof Off. It was a lot of work but I now have a camper that looks far better than when it sported the peeling decals. Tomorrow I plan on washing it and applying Rejex which was recommended on this forum to bring back the shine.
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