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Old 01-10-2014, 03:14 PM   #21
Montana Master
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Winfield
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M.O.C. #6846
You can dispute the "survival" skills as you wish, but I can assure you that our surviving these last two adverse episodes has been directly related to our camping experiences. I would not have two gasoline powered generators available to offset power losses if I had not purchased them to accompany our first rig. I would not have had water immediately on hand if it were not for our use of five gallon jugs to carry water with us (DW's choice) when camping. If one did not have water on hand, it is not easy to come by when a half million people are in panic mode and buying up every ounce of water on every store shelf in a 50 mile radius from the main affected area. We have checked on our neighbors, donated water that I was fortunate enough to acquire at the onset of the emergency to people in our church who were not as timely in their response and were left without. As I said, we are blessed because of the abilities and resources we have which were directly as a result of our camping experiences, tracing back decades to our beginning "tent" camping days. With that said, you are correct in that the main focus of all should be praying for those who do not have the resources nor the abilities to be completely prepared in times of emergencies. That is what happens here and I would hope everywhere, it is a part of being neighbors and friends. In times of need, the true nature of people emerges, I have seen both the good and the bad in the last few hours!!
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