Thread: Hearing aids
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Old 03-23-2017, 09:02 PM   #9
Dam Worker
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #17164
Sucks to have to wear hearing aids but at least it makes a person able to communicate. To much loud noise in my career and in my time away from work. In my opinion whatever works best for you and fits good so you don't really know they are there is the best. If you don't like them you probably won't wear them. My mother is a classic example of getting the Costco products but will not consistently wear them. I got mine and was amazed at what I could hear and wear them everyday. The worst thing is that they amplify all noises and can actually ruin what hearing you have left. In the plant I work at I need to remove mine and put in earplugs to try and save what I have left. The small over/behind the ear like mine work quite well except wind noise and I am happy with them but if you get a bit bigger size you can have them automatically hook up to your phone, tv etc without wearing a necklace.

The big question is how to insure them as I found out that if you lose them it is extremely expensive to replace them and it always seems to be after the ware warranty runs out.

Tom Marty
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