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Old 03-18-2020, 04:48 PM   #38
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Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 30
M.O.C. #24480
Without reading every post I'll say this. Man, woman, old or young there is a certain percentage of people that should not be towing and others that shouldn't even be driving. Women are just as capable as men but it depends on ones situation. My wife will never drive our rig because it would make her nervous no matter how much training she had so that's not an option for us. I have never been a good passenger either and can't relax if someone else is driving. You can be distracted driving a regular vehicle and may need to slam on the brakes. With 20,000+ pounds behind you there is no room for distraction or any sudden over steers. Ones reaction time is critical when towing. Of course there is speed, wind, curves, gravity, etc. too. In an emergency situation Newtons three laws of motion come into play along with the sphincter.
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