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Old 12-19-2010, 08:36 AM   #18
Montana Master
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Sioux Falls
Posts: 617
M.O.C. #9380
OK,I will take a shot at this discussion....we had Big Foot and stabilizers installed on our 08 Big Sky just before the MOC Rally and we absolutely love complaints with either the installation or the operation. It has made hitching and unhooking a snap...we are done in a few minutes, and as far as leveling is concerned it's amazing....we have never had an issue with the bathroom or main a matter of fact that was the first I checked when it was installed....I hated that the bathroom door was always wide open...we like to keep it just ajar for the AC. The system works as advertised and it was a pleasure to dispose of all the lumber we were carrying. We are Full Timing and have stayed at many CG's and have never needed our lumber the big foot adjusts to grass, gravel, concrete anything we have experienced so far without a problem. We are currently wintering in FL on concrete and love that, a lot cleaner...Anyway that's my two cents...DH may be by later to add his nickel.....Yes, it was a little pricey but decided if we were going to do this for 5 or more years it was worth the investment, not sorry we spent the money at all... love the rock solid feel of the rig even when doing the laundry.....Happy Decision making!!!!

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