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Old 01-10-2007, 11:01 AM   #17
Montana Master
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Caldwell
Posts: 825
M.O.C. #4855
The reason forlow sudsing detergents in washers is that the suds don't clean, all MFG add a foaming agent to basically let you know that the detergent is working. Does absolutley nothing for cleaning.
The front loader is the best you can get for washing clothes, becasue it is basically like beating your clothes on a rock, low water levels, low suds levels, medium rine levels. Front loaders rinse easier than top loaders, because the water is forced through the fabric by the lifting and dropping action of the lift paddles in the drum. Top loaders try to achieve the same thing with high levels for wash and rinse.
All commercial machines with the exception of batch loaders and tunnel machines use front loading.
Serviced the stupid things for twenty two years and sold chemicals for same until I broke my back one too many times
Hope this elps, Oh, by the way, All laundry detergents have to meet a minimal fedral requirement. Only a few exceed them, Arm and Hammer,
All, and Cheer being some of the few. Perfumes are the allergy ingredient in detergents, so if you are alloergic to a detergent it is the perfume usually.
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