Thread: User Names?
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Old 01-16-2005, 04:39 PM   #24
Montana Master
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Oceanside
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M.O.C. #20
Well, I guess I oughta explain mine, too. But i have to 'fess up to a typo when I describe this. You see, I misspelled "eagle". I used to belong to a den of eagles. Obviously not the bald type, but the gray-haired eagles. On days off we'd "soar with eagles" so to speak. Kinda just flew around, using our eagle eyesight to spot rodents. Well, you get the picture. I, unfortunately, was the oldest eagle. Thus I was known as the "senior eagle". Or maybe that was "senor eagle". Well, never mind, it doesn't matter either way. Anyhow, to type "senior eagle" or "senioreagle" all the time just takes too much time. So I shortened it to "sreagle" except in my hurry I misspelled "eagle". So, I became known on MOC as "sreigle". And here you thought it had something to do with my name!
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