Thread: User Names?
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Old 01-15-2005, 07:29 AM   #22
RC and Samantha
Montana Master
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OK, OK, I thought I would wait a while before going through my long dissertation of how we (I) got that name.

RC stands for Richard (Dick) Carl. If he were to post here and have his own User Name it would be RCBoarder, RC standing for the fore mentioned and Boarder stands for his love of Snowboarding. His is pretty simple.

Now mine, well it's not quite that easy.

A long time ago in the year of our Lord, 1998, a gal got a new computer, her first. Her husband (RC) was very concerned about all that he read and heard on the news regarding Creeps that stalk their prey here on the Internet. (She used to chat a lot back then.) Because of his great concern she promised him that she would never use her real name. After all it was all new to her.

Around that same time she worked at a small but productive answering service. The rules of the boss were that they never gave their real names to their client's, clients but rather respond with Operator # 2 or something similar. They could also use any other people type of names. Out of boredom this gal used to pick names out of the air when asked. Periodically she'd stick to one for a while. After several months of playing that game "Samantha" was picked and stuck.

Now back at their home and computer...

...She was registering with AOL and needed to come up with a Screen Name to start their account. Since she had made that promise she had to come up with something other than her name. It was quite a frustrating experience as it seemed that all names were taken already. She came up with the name FerratLady. They had a beloved smelly ferret at the time.

As time went on they created more Screen Names in their account for each member of the family. When it came time for her own Screen Name since the common response in Chat Rooms was "Hey Weasel Woman" and other names like that, she decided to come up with something else. The newly created name was Samantha7x70.

Years later General Motors along with the UAW started providing AOL accounts for only $3.00 per month. The kids liked AOL very much and even though they had another service provider they wanted AOL. To take advantage of that offer it required them to start a complete new account and new Screen Names. They could not take their old names with them. Hence RCnSamantha on AOL.

This was around the same time that this forum started and since her past experiences were to not use their own names she registered with RC and Samantha. Who knew then that this site would be such a great place that disguising ones name was not necessary?

It took about a year for this gal to finally get the nerve to come forward and publicly declare her real name. Quite a few members knew, but not the general membership. To totally abandon their User Name here would have been a mistake since everyone had come to know them as RC and Samantha. To request a change would also not be static and to look up old posts it would be very confusing. They just stuck with RC and Samantha.

There you go the very long very dull story of our User Name. Now you know why I didn’t go into it on the first post.

Aren't you sorry you asked?

I will answer to either name though!
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