Thread: Long Road Trip
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Old 06-05-2017, 06:26 AM   #19
Montana Master
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: San Antonio
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M.O.C. #5165
A few suggestions that work for me. I have owned 2 Ford diesels--and I have always had the service done at Ford Dealerships--I have more trust in the dealers than anyone else when working on diesel engines. And I always check to see if there are internet coupons for service to save a few $$.
Next. Yes things happen on the road to your rig. I have had service a few times on the road. I have never felt comfortable doing this even with Montana dealers--they know I am leaving their area and will not be back. So, if possible--try to make it home and use a local dealer who you can return to if necessary. I had a dealer in North Texas call me after I left to tell me that they had decided to not honor their promise to pay for the damages they caused. My message to them was clear--have you heard of the internet! They sent a check for $1500 to pay for breaking my landing legs.
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