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Old 03-23-2005, 01:35 AM   #4
Montana Fan
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: San Marcos
Posts: 327
M.O.C. #572
Dos Centavos: may I suggest in lieu of using fiberglass as the interior liner, spray the inside of the boxes with automotive undercoating--its cheap, resists acid and makes for a quasi no-slide underlayment for the batteries so they won't shift even with battery hold-downs. You can get that stuff at any auto parts store and its about 5 bucks a can. I use it all the time. I run 29 battery powered vehicles here at work, and I always spray the battery hold-down areas; even on new units right from the factory. Don't forget to coat your terminals with anti-corrosion compound--you'll be glad you did in the long term. That product comes in either a spray ($4.99 per can @ NAPA)or brush-on. Spray is neater and easier, but the brush-on lasts longer. I recoat terminals at least once every three months after a good cleaning of the batteries with a neutralizer (baking soda & water works real well). Not being fastidious or anything, I do the same thing on the Montana and our personal vehicles. Send some pics when you finish your project---really sounds interesting.
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