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Old 08-02-2011, 03:40 AM   #14
Montana Master
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: K.C.
Posts: 11,731
M.O.C. #5980
OK my turn. Last evening this $200,000 Class 'A' motor home pulled in our door side. Sites are pretty close here. This baby is brand new, a middle aged moron driving it. He starts washing the motor home, (not allowed in the camp here) He moves MY picnic table back close to one of his bay doors, loads it up with cleaning supply's, brushes, hoses, cleaners, then hoses the thing down. Hoses mine down as well, I grabbed my grill, propane tank, bike, rug, move them out of the way, while he is splashing me with the hose.
I am not a stupid person, know myself well. I keep my mouth shut, as the inside of a Montana prison is not where I want to spend my Golden years, I wanted to, but did not, go over and hit him in the mouth. 10 years ago, Sue would have been bailing me out of jail.
When he got done, the side of my Monte was as wet as his motor home, all the windows are water spotted... but I am still a free man, he is still a selfish, inconsiderate, arrogant meat-head. And always will be.
Other than's all good.

This morning... my table...

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