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Old 10-20-2008, 01:06 PM   #7
Montana Master
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Lone Tree
Posts: 5,615
M.O.C. #6109
I hate to even talk about it, because sure enough as soon as I say what works I'll find out there is a rat party scheduled in our monty tonight!

On our 2003, we plugged holes with steel wool, foam, and stinky stuff and laid out Decon, but not until after we had the problem. Those mice snickered at me every time we put it in storage, and would empty the Decon boxes and put little nic-nacs in the box like the missing screws from light fixtures, paperclips, rubber bands, hair bands, or anything else they could lift. They never ate the Decon, rather they just laid little piles of it in the corners, and behind the pillows in the bed. When we dropped the screws out of the front belly to check the welds, Decon poured out of the front like sand out of an hour glass.

On this 2007, I armed myself with steel wool, foam, and a shotgun, but after looking at all of the massive holes underneath and in the mid floor, I figured this Monty must look like a 40-ft piece of swiss cheese to those mice! I surrendered and installed two sonic rodent thing-a-ma-jigs, one in the basement and one on the kitchen counter.

To date, no rodents................. Now I have to go find a piece of wood to knock on!
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