Thread: MORE weather
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Old 12-25-2007, 01:03 AM   #90
stiles watson
Montana Master
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Leona
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M.O.C. #2059
Hey, get up!! It's Christmas morning! You are burnin' daylight. Christmas in Texas is a day celebrated in its entirity. There's pies to bake and turkey to roast. The party will be at your campsite. I invited all your neighbours over so we could be ya'll's guest.

Here written in ya'll's new language:
¡Oye, se levanta!! ¡Es la mañana de Navidad! Usted es burnin' la luz del día. Navidad en Tejas es un día célebre en su entirity. Hay pasteles de hornear y el pavo para asar. El partido estará en su camping. Invité a todos sus vecinos tan nosotros podríamos ser huéspedes de ya'll.

Break out the shorts and T-shirts. Its only 35 degrees. Must seem like a heat wave. Well, maybe not. Did you drag this cold down from Michigan? It is because you drove so fast, you (ya'll) sucked a vacuum behind you (ya'll).

Anyway, Glad ya'll made it. Gracias para el informe, Senora.
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