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Old 10-21-2007, 05:23 PM   #16
Montana Master
Join Date: Aug 2006
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M.O.C. #6150
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You sure hit the nail on the head about it being an eye catcher. Yesterday, as I was headed home from the tire store, feeling a great sense of accomplishment, new tires and awning lock, my dear sweet wife suddenly appeared in my rear view mirror and followed me home. Once there, she got out of her truck, walked up to me, went through our usual greeting ritual, then said "That roof really looks bad going down the road". I was expecting her to say something about the tires or awning lock, but noooooo, just the roof. So, I spent the entire day today, like Rich, not only washing the roof, but the entire rig. Finished about 2 minutes before the cold front from the north blew in at 50 mph pushing a cloud of dirt, grass, and leaves in front of it. Oh well, it's only time, soap, and water, .
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