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Old 10-21-2013, 04:33 PM   #40
Mrs. CountryGuy
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #6337
Have to say, these are some serious cracks Bruce. And, even tho we have seen cracks on units before, not sure we have seen any that are this long and what seem to be traveling at a 45 degree angle?? That is what the photos look like to CountryGuy and I.

Al and I have had some issues in the past with lost camber in the frame, from front to back. This was NOT on our Montana. But, this was the first thing that Al and I both thought of when we saw your photos. In our case, one of the units, a TT, they took the entire trailer OFF the frame, hung the frame to restore the camber, added a whole bunch of reinforcements, replaced two doors, somehow mended the interior walls, and reinforced the door side of the rig with lots of luan plywood and replaced the ripped siding. This was on a 1989 unit, so the construction was NOTHING like our Montanas are built.

And, that helps you in NO way.
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