Thread: Pay it forward
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Old 02-08-2009, 05:37 AM   #10
Montana Fan
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Signal Mtn.
Posts: 280
M.O.C. #8206
I have learned a lot of things from my DW also. One has been to "give unconditionally". I used to not give money to the "street bums as they are called" who are asking for money, because I would say that "they are just going to go buy more alcohol with the money". My wife says it doesn't matter what they do with the money once you have given it, "your role is to give it and not complain what they do with it". One morning very early when I was still working, on the drive in I saw a man, dirty, sitting on an old bag by the side of the road at an intersection, looking very rejected and lonely. I had to stop for traffic at the intersection and while looking at the man and wondering what he would do today I had a very strong urging to call the man over to my car and give him some money. I only had $25 in my pocket that morning and I removed the $20 dollar bill and gave it to the old man. He looked me in the eyes and said "thank you so much, you have kept me from getting the DTs today, God bless you". I realized that the man had just told me that he was going to go buy alcohol with the money that I had just given him, and somehow it just didn't bother me anymore. I just felt good for having helped a man in need. At that time I truly learned that it really doesn't matter what the person does with what you give them, it will still make you feel good, and I believe you are blessed for doing it.
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