Thread: Dinner theatre
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Old 04-17-2008, 10:34 AM   #1
stiles watson
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #2059
Dinner theatre

When we get to Branson, one evening will be spent on the showboat. It will include dining and a dinner show. The discounted price of around $60 is not bad for tourist frequented shows of such type.

At Central Texas Home Base Dinner Theater (where Monty is parked) attendance was light today. Just the two of us. The meal was my version of a Dagwood sandwich and a tall glass of peach tea. The dinner show started with an overture of the wind, orchestrating the rustling leaves of Pines, Cedars, and Oaks. Their melody started with a whisper and would crescendo to a shimmering roar in the undulating cool breeze.

Enter stage left, a bright yellow butterfly dancing to exit stage right and back for an encore. The leaves seemed to applaud madam butterfly's effort.

Two crow's, like B-17's, soared in for a landing in the meadow just beyond the trees that provide a decorative roof over our stage. Their heads bobbed up and down as they walked through the grass. They looked like children playing hide-and-seek. Soon they revved the engines and floated away in the soft currents.

From back stage enter, Lyndon Johnson and Lavern, a rooster and a hen that hang around the place. Lyndon was so named by his owner because he crows a lot. They were doing their long practiced dance, called "The Chicken Scratch." Mostly Lavern does the scratching and Lyndon walks around, supervises and crows.

Dried leaves, left behind by winter's visit, play chase across the budding grassy tufts. Then out of sight, as if in a orchestra pit, comes the sound of a Tufted Titmouse, followed immediately by a Painted Bunting with his aria. Then Wrens and Cardinals join in. In the Grand Finale, the song bird chorus is joined by the clear voiced Mockingbird.

This show will do encore after encore as long as you have time to look and listen. The dinner was inexpensive and the show..........was free.
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