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Old 03-28-2008, 07:30 AM   #10
Montana Master
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Franklin
Posts: 1,172
M.O.C. #5664
I've been woke up by the BOOM many times when I lived in Florida.
I would always shoot out of bed, turn on the tv, watch it land &
then go back to bed.

One night several years ago, my ex & I were making a Florida run
from Tennessee. It was late, I couldn't keep my eyes open, so I
pulled off the exit, crossed over & parked on the on ramp. We got
out to walk around, get someting to drink & let the dog out.
Looked up in the sky & saw this big light going through the sky.
Didn't know what it was. Forgot about it until a few years later
after moving back to Florida, the janitor at the company I was working
for had brought in some pictures to sell. A set of 10 5x7 glossies
of the night shuttle launch a few years before. I looked at
them & when I saw the last picture, I knew that that was what we
saw in the sky that night! Needless to say, I bought the pictures!
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