Thread: Adding freon
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Old 07-06-2020, 07:42 AM   #14
Seasoned Camper
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Scottsdale
Posts: 70
M.O.C. #23577
If you freeze up and it's hot outside, you either have a leak or there is not enough air blowing over the evaporator (cooling coil). If you think It's low on refrigerant, Most likely there is a leak. So that must be located and repaired then refrigerant added. Mine froze up but it was mainly due to a to low outside temperature, happened at night. At first I though it was a low charge, checked with the dealer, and they said that their techs don't even work on the units, they just replace the whole roof top unit. Guess they are made pretty cheaply. In any case, unless you have experience in a/c repair, I would call a qualified technician.
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