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Old 02-25-2013, 01:26 AM   #6
Tom S.
Montana Master
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Waterford
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M.O.C. #7500
Michigan allows both concealed carry (with the proper license) and open carry (no license required). Where things get really convoluted here is there are some limitations as to where a gun can be carried concealed that do not apply to open carry. For example, you can not carry concealed in a hospital, but there are no restrictions against open carry there, unless the hospital posts rules against it.

Then you have municipalities trying to make laws where and when guns may be carried (in either condition), and said laws are ultimately illegal under the state. An example, a few years ago, Royal Oak tried to initiate a ban against both forms of carry during an "Arts, Beats & Eats" festival. The state stepped in and told the city government they could not do so under state law. Many local parks have tried to do the same thing with similar results.

So if you carry in Michigan, you really need to take time to read the rules!
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