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Old 02-11-2012, 03:22 AM   #32
Montana Fan
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Baton Rouge
Posts: 431
M.O.C. #11342
The IT profession is just another collateral enterprise created By Bill Gates's business model. Networks built on Apple computers do not require IT professionals. One of my sons works in the video/audio production business. Their networks integrate huge storage capabilities that are linked cross-country with filming and recording locations to editing studios in California and Canada. Their in-office MAC Pros are capable of multi-terabyte storage capacity. All of their company business and global networking along with film and sound editing is done on these computers. Emails, huge movie file transfers (global transfers), internet surfing, is all done from the same network. Their "IT Professional" buys and plugs in equipment--end of story. You will not find Microsoft/windows hardware in that business for many reasons, one being they cannot afford to corrupt files that are multi million dollar film productions.When I was pre-retired, I would often take work home or transfer files home. The MAC versions of microsoft office applications that I used at home,often 'debugged' the files that were sent from my office.

The Anti-virus business is also another collateral enterprise created by the Bill Gates model! and most viruses are created by hackers working for McAfee, Norton, Clean-PC and others.

There is nothing that successfully executes what you bought it for like an Apple product!

There is nothing that is designed to be dis-functional as part of the business model of planned-obscelecance and collateral enterprise, like a Windows/Microsoft computer.
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