Thread: Our Location
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Old 11-16-2004, 09:30 AM   #10
Montana Fan
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: San Marcos
Posts: 327
M.O.C. #572
Please check the Mexican Fishing Regulations. There is no license required if fishing from shore. You must have a valid license for fishing from a boat. The taking of shellfish (any non-finned fish to be exact) including lobster by non-Mexican nationals is against the law. To be safe, buy your clams, mussels, shrimp, lobster etc. from a national. I know it knocks down some of the fun, but the Boys from PESCA & the local POLICIA can really mess with your vacation. You will need a vessel permit for kayaks & inflatable boats along with "regular" boats if operating in Mexican waters. Don't mean to preach, but don't forget---its a different country with different laws. On the upside, we love Mexico & all the neat stuff they have down there; its so relaxing and the folks are really friendly. On a sidebar---they just released the 1,000 Peso note----about the same value as our Hundred---a bit less depending on the daily quote.
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