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Old 03-01-2013, 12:51 AM   #46
Montana Master
Join Date: Jan 2005
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M.O.C. #2839
The fact that one person can have little or no problems and another a few or many is yet another indication of the lack of effective quality control. Effective quality control done at every step of the assembly can result in near zero defects. The fact that the problems are random means that quality is up to the individual workman or crew on that unit and not a effective quality program. We have seen the assembly process at the factory as many have.The quality checks are at the end of the line indicated by all that red tape stuck on the units.They do find many issues that they can see.The quality checks need to be done at each assembly station before it moves to the next station.It is a credit to the workman that they turn out the product they do.The product can be much better but the cost VS benifits apparently do not justify the additional expense.
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