Thread: Cell phone
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Old 11-03-2005, 03:39 AM   #11
Seasoned Camper
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Livingston
Posts: 66
M.O.C. #646
quote:Originally posted by H. John Kohl

Ann and I will be full time in 15 months. I like to plan ahead so I have some questions for those that have been there.
Each post will have a different question so the content should stay on track.
What do you use for cell phone service?
What type of coverage?
What plan
What restrictions
Pro and Con of your system.
There are many cell phone plans out there. We opted for the TRACFONE with a Motorola V-120C multimode phone. Basically, it costs $100 /year and there is no monthly bills or fees. You get time with the annual fee and you can add extra time with prepay cards available at 7-11, Walmart etc. We roam almost all the time, so it charges double for calls when roaming. It is a great plan if you don't use the phone a lot. I like the simplicity of no contracts, bills and fees. Being multimode, it works analog and digital. There are still a lot of rural areas that use analog only now, so it works just about everywhere. Here in Salome Arizona we have only analog for the winter. If you go up the road 5 miles you have digital! Folks with digital phones here at the park, have no cell coverage, but we do!
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