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Old 06-09-2005, 05:43 PM   #12
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #20
I'm scratching my head a little bit, trying to figure out why you consider it useless. That's not to say it isn't, just that I don't understand why. We recently took the Cambridge factory tour and were told there are two models. One is the same floorplan as the Montana 3400RL and the other is the same as the Montana 3500RL. That's what we were told by the Cambridge guy who, as it turns out, used to do Montana factory tours. So, if the Cambridge models are useless on the road, so would be the Montana 3400 and 3500. And those just happen to be Montana's top sellers. So, am I missing the point?

This post sounds kind of like a challenge and I apologize for that. I mean it to try to understand the perceived problem. Thanks.
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