Thread: Length of stays
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Old 05-04-2014, 07:31 PM   #14
Montana Sky
Montana Master
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Down the Road
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M.O.C. #889
The best part about the fuel cost and keeping it in budget are in 100% control of it. The more miles your wheels turn, the more $$$$ your wallet burns. Weekly rates are cheaper than daily rates. Monthly rates are even cheaper than weekly and seasonal rates can be even cheaper yet. The cost of fuel is not going down anytime soon, therefore I offset my monthly costs in other areas. I eat in more often now, stay in parks that are nice, but I dont have to have 5 star resort/amenities/prices. I stay in one place or one geographical area for seasons now, verse constantly being on the go every week or so. I have found I really enjoy staying around the park and talking with fellow neighbors and folks that come and go. You can burn up a few afternoons and evenings getting to know folks and hearing about their adventure on the road. I especially enjoy this as I get to hear about the "must do's" and "must go" places along with the "dont waste your time or money" places as well. Helps when trying to decide on where to go next and what to do once ya get there. Lastly, I also offset my monthly costs when traveling between destinations by staying over night in Wal*Mart parking lots. I will drive until I'm tired, find a Wal*Mart that allows overnight parking, pull in and bed down. Amazing how 5 to 6 nights of "boon docking" will allow you to save $300 or more in overnight nightly campsite rental fees. There are many options that will help you keep, expand, and reduce, your budget. It just takes a little creativity.
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