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Old 03-10-2014, 05:25 PM   #28
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Idaho Falls
Posts: 19
M.O.C. #12224
I placed this info in another thread before determining it should probably go here...Hope I am not breaking protocol by reposting, anyway for what it is worth

I have a 2012 3100RL with 2000 miles on the Marathons and absolutely no problems, so far. However, based on all the rave reviews the Marathons receive, I called Goodyear customer service to see if they would cut me any deal on some G614s. After giving me a reference number and the number for a local dealer I took the marathons to the local dealer who inspected them and called Goodyear. Long story short, Goodyear allowed $48.62 per marathon for trade in. Dealer then quoted $1240.00 out the door for the 614s after the trade. Still stings a bit for trailer tires, but I told him to get some in. Anyway, Goodyear may be able to help buying new 614s for some folks. Before discussion with Goodyear, the best price I had here in town was $1525.00 for 614s out the door and I kept my Marathons. Maybe could have gotten more for the Marathons on Craigslist, but I'm happy for what its worth.

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