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Old 01-04-2014, 06:55 PM   #20
Montana Master
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Chilliwack
Posts: 1,520
M.O.C. #12935
quote:Originally posted by Artemus Gordon

So I wonder what "your purpose is hanging around Montana's " that you obvisouly hate. Not sure what you own, how you used it, etc. I wound never hang around a site dedicated to products I hated? My feeling is simple. You have set yourself up for failure. Your expectations are either too high or your just one of those people who can't be pleased? I would never go through life that way! It's puts into question all your past posts. Sorry, but I needed to say it! No need to argue, your expectations on a less than $100,000 RV's are not reasonable. It's just not reasonable! I left another RV site because of individuals spewing vitriol and negativity. I am a positive happy successful guy, who prefers not to buy in to "personal vendettas"! Sell your rig and buy something else. Very simple solution!
Artemus there are many differences between you and I, for that I am most grateful. I have made many contributions to other Montana owners in dealing with their problems and have learned some things I did not know on this forum. Benefits for all who belong.

I would not suggest to you what your expectations might be regarding an RV, boat or anything else, I really don't know nor do I care. Neither would I question your purchasing another Montana or continuing to own one should you express that you have no inclination to buy another unless improvements are made in quality control and workmanship. Your choice is not my concern, whether expressed here on this forum or around the campfire.

My comments are based on a personal choice and I should not be taken to task by you for expressing that choice on this or any other forum.

No argument here Artemus, you are just way out of line in your personal attack on me for my comments.

My Profile has presented the Montana I own as well as my truck from the day I joined this forum. For the benefit of conserving space I do not always use it.

Bingo, the majority of the problems I have had with my Montana have been previously stated here in the forum, there was no need to cover that yet again in my previous post. Unlike some folks I do not mention each and every problem that comes up. It amuses me that others have stated/suggested they would not purchase another Montana for the very reasons I stated and I am the only one jumped on.

I really am quite a happy fellow, been around a long time and am very comfortable in my own shoes. I will certainly continue to own/use my current Montana, I am not even complaining about it, just in case anyone missed that fact.....

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