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Old 11-13-2013, 04:47 AM   #59
Montana Master
Join Date: Feb 2007
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M.O.C. #6846
Actually Rich, the service tech on the PDI explained this during our walk through. If it does not say it in the manual, the key is to replace all four 25 amp fuses at the same time. If you just try to replace one at a time, with the battery hooked up, they will blow. Battery must be unhooked, all four replaced, and battery hooked back up. I think in our situation, the marine battery switch took the brunt of the surge, I took it apart, and was amazed at the amount of copper that was gone. I cleaned it up and believe it is still usable, but the current surge caused it to arc between the switch plates which may have prevented anything from entering the rig. This is just supposition, but it does not appear that any damage was done to the rig's DC systems.
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