Thread: Marathon tires
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Old 11-05-2013, 05:51 AM   #6
Montana Master
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Chilliwack
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M.O.C. #12935
Firstrmc, consider that every Montana leaving the factory in Indiana had Marathon tires on them, those that were delivered to the US Pacific Northwest and Lower Mainland of British Columbia were all pulled here by truck. They traveled approximately 2500 miles before we even took them off the lot.
That trip of course was with the trailer empty before we add all our "stuff" and the drivers may have exceeded the speed limit rating for those tires on many of the highways getting here. I found no issues with my tires on delivery and had put an additonal 8000 miles on them before trading them in on Goodyear G614's. Mine were in good shape, were inspected by the tire dealer and I was given $100.00 each for the tires on trade.

I know my unit is not overweight because I have scaled it, I do not travel over 65 mph so have not abused the tires due to excessive speed, however I was always concerned about the minimal spare capacity the Marathon provided and that is why I changed to a "G" rated tire.

Could I have traveled another 8 or 10 k miles without incident, perhaps I could, but I chose instead to add that extra carry capacity as insurance. I am not making any recommendations, just letting you know there are many who have "not" had issues with the Marathons when not overloaded or driven at excessive speeds.

As has been mentioned it is your money, your choice ultimately.

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