Thread: Alaska Trip
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Old 03-27-2013, 03:09 AM   #2
Montana Fan
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Houston
Posts: 157
M.O.C. #9011
Terry, you are planning a great trip. I hope you have enough time to enjoy everything and not have to rush.

The first thing you will need is a copy of "The Milepost". It is available at most bookstores or on Amazon. When we made the trip from Houston to Alaska in 2009 you could count on most gas stations to be open about every 50 miles or so on the Alaskan Highway but with the recession many have closed up. The Milepost will give you mile by mile information on everything on each highway in Alaska.

Many attractions don't open until about the third week of May.

You need something to deflect stones on the gravel stretches of road. If you use mud flaps make sure they almost reach the pavement. Mud slings from the top of the tire but stones kick from the bottom.

If you find yourself driving back through BC in the fall while the salmon are spawning you need to stop at Hyder, Alaska off the Cassiair highway, (highway 37 going south from Watson Lake) I recommend stopping to see the bears fishing and feeding on salmon. The parks department have built an elevated platform to watch the bear activities.

Have a fun trip.
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